Sunday, July 7, 2013

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates

Supplements, More Supplements, Meds.... Oh My!

 When life hands you Lyme, you have to start taking medicine...and a lot of it. I stopped counting the number of pills I take a day because it was messing with my head and making it harder to take them. I have several of those plastic 'weekly' pill containers that are divided into 4 different times of the day.

 For each Lyme patient they are given a protocol by their dr or they have chosen to go their own way with their own herbal protocol.  What works for some, might not always work for most.  Lyme is tricky and our bodies are even trickier.  How we react to herbal supplements and meds can make or break a treatment so treatment takes time as we test and figure out what is right for us.

This is just some visuals of a typical morning regimen of all the supplements and medications I take... just in the morning!

 Besides prescription drugs, I take a lot of vitamins and herbal supplements to keep my body as healthy as possible and to help fight the Lyme (these were prescribed by my LLMD).

 The three herbal supplements here were also prescribed by my Dr.  I have to take 30 drops of each supplements with a full glass of water 3X a day.  Each supplement is geared to help build and support my immune system, which is shot from the Lyme bacteria attacking it.  They also are geared to
  1.  Kill the various forms of Borrelia (the Lyme germ)
  2.  Decrease and eliminate biofilms
  3.  Treat dormant Lyme germs that are unresponsive to precriptive antibiotics
  4.  Prevent Lyme disease relapse.
 Coconut Vinegar
is an excellent source for added important nutrients such as Potassium, the broad spectrum of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, etc.  It also is GREAT for digestive health which is the key to curing any chronic illness.  Therefor it is an added bonus for its fabulous ability to cleanse internally, providing a good portion to your detox regimen.

B-12 injections are a must for me since I was tested as one of the rare cases of lowest b-12 deficient reported in a while. I have to give myself an injection every morning, (which quickly got me over my phobia of needles!) B-12, or the injection form called Methylcobalamin, has been proven in studies to cure Bell's Palsy, regenerate nerves that are damaged, contribute to better sleep and much more. It can protect the myelin sheath that insulates nerve fibers and detox heavy metals. Methylcobalamin is used primarily in your liver, brain and nervous system, which is exactly where Lyme attacks you first.

Anyway,  I hope that this provides you with a little insight into the daily life of someone fighting Lyme. It truly is a full-time job!

 Please Note:

As you can see in some of my pictures, I have all the vitamins, supplements, and RXs turned to the side. I have chosen to disclose certain supplements and herbs, such as B-12 and Coconut vinegar because they are harmless and just a good source for anybody. The injections are prescribed, but daily pill form for the healthy are encouraged.  I want to remind everyone who reads this that I am not a doctor and have no medical background. I cannot safely disclose what ALL I take--it may be misconstrued as me giving medical advice. SO PLEASE be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin taking and vitamins or supplements, even if you don't have Lyme. 

This blog is purely anecdotal, meant to provide insight into my personal battle and spread awareness of Chronic Lyme Disease. In no way am I suggesting any type of treatment or protocol. You should always consult your doctor for all medical matters and if you have Lyme you should consult a LLMD before beginning any treatment.

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