Friday, August 9, 2013

Lyrics to Let it Be...

This blog post is the first of probably many more in which I'll be letting it all out (A.K.A. "ranting"),  It's cathartic.  I want to comfort you all by letting you know this is not to encourage negativity, my main goal is to hope I may reach out to others out there that are feeling alone and lost sometimes just like me.  My stream of conciousness...

When the sun goes down I often feel the belt which restricts my breath loosen one notch. 

 My body then tingles and warms back up and my skin turns red.

Once the daylights break.... the sensitivity I unfortunately gain from light fogs me up just like this...

 Thoughts become clear once daylight break..
                                                                     ..and turn into questions.

    Too many questions how to make sense of it all?

                 There's not much you can do if you're flat on the couch, unable to move at times,

 ....So I turn to MUSIC, which is not just a passion of mine, but pretty much the only thing that gives me faith lately.
I want to share this song because it powered me to calm down     because of how much I could relate.  Also Just having something out there, someone out there that feels similar, that can put into words how I'm feeling.

Listen to it and instead of "the Longer you run", inference it to "the longer you FIGHT"....

You dont know always have to be positive and listen to uplifting songs to change your attitude.  I firmly believe you need to feel every emotion, stare it in the face, come to terms with it, and release it.

I hope this song may do exactly that to any of you.

Blessings to all!!!

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